Ceci n'est pas une pipe

szerda, március 02, 2005

Saydefa, love

Munka (kis túlzással) után eldobtam főnököm a cactushoz, aztán taliztam a westendben a macedónommal, vele volt egy másik balkáni lány is, kávéztak, mi mást tennének, ugye, közben beszaladtam az egyik nagyon trendi boltba, vettem sepercalatt két gyapjú pulóvert, nadrágot kéne, egy pirosat meg egy sárgát, szép szinesek és melegek, azért tartott ilyen sokáig, mert a pénztáros leányka tökölt sokat, nem én. Naszóval két balkáni csajszi... A beszélgetés elég laposan indult, shopping? no I am cured, I do not shop! I haven't bought anything since I am in budapest, so I say, no your'e sick, go see a doc, and so the other goes to Jackpot and Cottonfield just to return empty handed, I did the only shoping. Then let's have dinner, a good soup, so I took them to Blue tomato, the place I had dinner las night as well, but who cares... But first she said her husband likes very much belgian beer so she bought some bottles at the Belgian beer cafe and two glases, it's sort of funny, they charge you for the used glases people break for free. However she knew everything about belgian beers, she took some even from the States for her husband, she picked the right ones in due dilligence, and even asked for those round paper rings they put under the glases, that's real long lasting love I thought. K. wanted a smoking table, wich we finally got, and then they started to complain about work. We have the regional manager and the project manager on the same level reporting to HQ but the project manager is allways from the country of the donor (being an NGO), and the donor supports the project manager, who is by the way from a hospital in the country of the donor (being a health related NGO), so they disregard the regional managers who are locals, even though they are the ones who take the responsibility by signing all documents, representig the NGO to the gov't, and PM's just became more and more aggressive taking over all power, so I say it's not that they ruin anything but it's existential power fight between you and the donors representatives? yeah they say. Do you order pork, or chicken? beef, chicken turkey or beef but pork, she says, and we agree, there is not much to do about it, we finish food, talk about the details of their work, the whole thing is just stinks to high heaven, but there is not a single thing to do, you take it or leave it. I tell them, I absolutelly understand their situation, then we talk about other things like she asks, even if it would offend you but what was my name, and I tell her, no bother, I forgot hers too, she says hers Saydefa (say deaf? a!)or would they hire someone in a foreign country to help them find a dog sitter, a doctor, a new flat, (they would, and they would introduce the business back homein Sarajevo), then back to the car to take them back to Hotel Stadion. On the way Radio C played Klezmer, and we started to talk about jiddish dancing customs. Finally Saydefa asks, are you jewish? I say yeah, deep quiet. long one. So she says finally, You are my enemy! Am I? How come? ahe shouts allmost: I am a muslim! No I say, we are not enemies, we are cousins, aren't we? She agrees, tells, jewish american gave a lot to bosnians, heck they exactly knew what it feels like, then she asked, if I am a jew, how my parents survived? I told her in few words, but then I could not ask her, and yours? we arrived to the hotel. It was good to meet you... Hát ilyen sztorikba futok bele. Ezek töltenek fel, de tényleg. Hazafele meg a slájm rádió ment, meg az "I miss you like crazy!"


  • Actually I am in relocation, meaning I do help findig a dog sitter, a doctor and a new flat... :)

    By Blogger panka, at 12:07 du.  

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